I really feel that my coworker has missed her true calling in life. She should devote her life only to making fantastic artwork out of cheese in the future. Just look at that adorable mouse!
I'm beginning to realize that most librarians harbor amazing secret talents that the world knows nothing about. They are like superheros hiding their greatness beneath a mild mannered librarian facade. But when no one is looking--watch out--their cheese lion and mouse collage will make your jaw drop. It tastes even better than it looks too.
One librarian on our staff recently created a book display featuring only books about monsters under the bed. She not only created a little bed, but sewed all the adorable furry monsters underneath the bed herself. This display is one of the ones we constantly have to wipe little fingerprints off of because it is so popular. And don't even get me started on the display featuring books about the upcoming winter Olympics. All the events in this display are being performed by very detailed little pipe cleaner people created by one of our MLS college student volunteers. Soon she will join the ranks of thousand of other librarian superheros ready to change the world of literature one pipe cleaner person at a time.
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Librarians are the BEST
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