Thursday, December 8, 2011
Coming Soon!
I recently spoke with my agent, Amy Boggs, and we started planning what manuscripts I should begin working on next. I always have dozens of story ideas simmering in the back of my mind--but I can only work on a few at a time. Deciding which one to begin working on next is always a big decision. After all, it can take years to get a book ready for publication. If I'm going to be spending that much time and effort on a story it has to be one I really love. I currently have four novels I'm actively working on. That's right FOUR. And I am so excited about finally getting to write these stories which have been patiently waiting their turn! I've been creating characters, plotting out story lines, and creating new worlds. One of the stories has illustrations, so I've even started drawing again as well. It's been far too long--I'm really enjoying it. Telling a story in a visual format has its own set of challenges that are completely different from a novel that is only told only in words. Getting my brain around it can really push my creative limit at times. But it is so much fun to try something different!
Will any of these stories find a home at some publishing house in the near future--we will soon see!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Pirates Ahoy!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Contest! With PRIZES!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
All Ready for Halloween!
Friday, October 21, 2011
Book Trailers Are Hard Work!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
I So Wish I Had That!
WARNING: Clicking on links below will take you to outside websites over whose content I have no control.
Glow-in-the-Dark Toilet Paper (you know you want it)
Remote Control Wand (must have)
Bacon Band-Aids (I kid you not)
Food Face Plate (yes, you may play with your food)
Skel-a-Gnome (hold me back)
Food Jewelry (Can you smell the bacon?)
Peace Sign Toaster (All I can say is--WHY would you ever want one of these?)
Flavored Dental Floss (Eeeew!)
Darth Vader Lamp (Uh--okay . . .)
Nose Gel Dispenser (not even going to comment)
I know what I'm putting on my Christmas list this year . . . how about you?
Saturday, October 1, 2011
A Halloween Treat
P.S. I predict that glow-in-the-dark dolls are going to be all the rage this year.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Absolutely Fascinating Part 5
WARNING: Clicking on the links below will take you to outside webpages whose changing content I have no control over. Click at your own risk.
Virtual pop stars?
I kid you not. These girls don't actually exist. The holographic singer's voice is even synthesized.That's right, that is actually a computer singing, not a human being. And she's got a sold out concert in L.A. this coming Monday, right here in the USA. Just a little too freaky for me.
And this leads us to . . .
The Uncanny Valley
This is a psychological fear of something that looks human but isn't. We humans tend to feel uncomfortable or even fearful when a man made object gets a little too human looking, but isn't quite the real thing. Example: ultra realistic robots, CGI, or even dolls. (Think wax museum.) Something seems just a tiny bit off to us when we look at them and this triggers fear. Scientists have tried to study this phenomenon for years. Watch the video below to see some great examples of this.
Think of all the people who are terrified of dolls--or clowns. That's the Uncanny Valley. Freaky, huh?
Almost as freaky as . . .
Training Your Goldfish to Do Tricks
I saw the guys on Mythbusters attempting to train goldfish once. To my amazement, it actually worked. I've had lots of pet goldfish in my life--none of them did anything like the ones in the video below.
Distorted Beauty Perceptions
This video shows the way society has distorted our perception of beauty. That gorgeous woman you see on the billboard, she doesn't exist. So why do woman spend so much time and money trying to look just like her? It just shows how much we've all bought into the myth.
If you are interested, here are links to past Absolutely Fascinating posts with even more strangely curious stuff to read up on:
Absolutely Fascinating Part 4
Absolutely Fascinating Part 3
Absolutely Fascinating Part 2
Absolutely Fascinating Part 1
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Snorting Dog Video
You have to watch it more than once to get the full gut busting effect.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
I Am Almost Afraid to Ask
Friday, May 27, 2011
Insanely Tiny Miniature Sculptures
Monday, April 18, 2011
How I Spent My Weekend

Sunday, March 20, 2011
A Kid History
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
It's All Nancy's Fault
I stayed up way too late the other night. I was caught up playing the newest (and by far, the creepiest) Nancy Drew computer game Shadow at the Water’s Edge. I admit I am completely addicted to these games! There are currently 23 titles in the series and I own them all. This particular adventure takes place in a haunted Japanese inn. Is the place really haunted or is someone trying to close the place down for their own evil purposes? I’d keep telling myself stuff like: I’ll go to bed as soon as Nancy gets someone to translate that mysterious Japanese news article that nobody wants to talk about. You know, the one Nancy found hiding behind the backing of the haunted painting that fell off the wall and nearly scared Nancy (and me) to death. But by the time I’d have that one figured out some new mystery would have surfaced. How can I possibly go to sleep before I know what the ghostly voice on the EVP recorder said? But Nancy can’t get to the recorder’s docking station to finally play the recording because someone is standing right next to it who might overhear. It goes on and on—which is exactly why it is so much fun. And why I didn’t get to sleep until after midnight.
I love when that happens.
The best part of these games is the different ways they can end—really abruptly. Like if you pull the emergency break while a train is in motion and get Nancy knocked out cold. Or if you accidentally burn your hotel to the ground by forgetting to unplug the iron before you leave. Or my personal favorite—getting caught breaking into somebody’s office or apartment while looking for clues. In Phantom of Venice Nancy actually has to hide in a cabinet to avoid getting caught and if you don't get her in there quick enough--it is game over.
So for those of you who need a little more mystery in your lives, you really should try one of these games—just not right before bedtime. All Nancy Drew games are not created equal though, so here is a list of some of my favorite adventures.
Shadow at the Water’s Edge (Don’t look in the bathroom mirror—trust me on this one)
Curse of Blackmoor Manor (Also very scary)
Phantom of Venice (Nancy’s not-so-secret admirer had me laughing)
Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon (The Hardy Boys are in this adventure)
Legend of the Crystal Skull (Don’t tap on the creepy jar in the curiosity shop too much.)
Danger on Deception Island (Always check the expiration date on your mayonnaise.)
Secret of the Old Clock (Nancy’s first adventure)
Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake (Ghost dogs with glowing eyes—what’s not to love?)
Message in a Haunted Mansion (Did I mention that I like the scary ones?)
The Final Scene
Secret of Shadow Ranch (virtual horseback riding!)
You’ve got to try at least one!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Only in the Library
"I ran in the library," he whispered to me as if confessing the most grievous of sins.
"I'm sure you won't do it again," I said solemnly in return. He nodded slowly and then walked away.
If anybody else needs to unburdon themselves, I'll be in my librarian confessional from noon to nine tomorrow. : )