Thursday, July 29, 2010

Jewelry Now On Sale


The first piece of my hand made one of a kind Small Secrets Jewelry is now up for sale on Ebay. For those interested in more particulars on the piece click here. Future pieces will be listed on the Small Secrets blog as they become available.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

I WANT One of these!

Wait until you see this adorable little mobile house. Talk about simplifying your life! Just think of all the money you'd save on furniture.You could travel all across the US and never leave the comfort of your own home. Of course, I'd like one of these as more of a camping accessory than as a permanent home. Click the link to see video of the tiniest house you have ever seen.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Small Secrets Jewelry Will Soon be Open for Business!

For those many people who have asked me if I ever plan to sell my handmade sculpture jewelry to the public--I now have a blog set up showcasing the pieces that will soon be going up for sale on Etsy and Ebay. Click here, to visit the new blog. These necklaces are one of a kind, hand made works of art. Check the Small Secrets blog for updates about when they will actually be going on sale. New jewelry will be posted there as I finish each piece.



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