Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Secret Manuscript Club

I was looking back over the blogging I've done over the past year and realized that most the people who keep up with this blog are those who have actually read some version of one of my unpublished manuscripts already. (Or if you are Joella or Jenny, have been told in great detail a story from begining to end while working at the desk with me. You did ask for it, however.) So I'm starting a club called The Secret Manuscript Club. SMC for short. Only those who have read or heard one of my completely unknown early works can be members. (Yes Daphne and Chani, you are now official members. Karlene, Ashley, Adrienne and Pinky are senior members, since they have all been willing to subject themselves to my stories in progress for many years now.) Those of you who haven't had a chance yet--count your blessings. In this one time offer, I'm extending a free membership to anyone who wants it just for subjecting yourself to reading this article! : )

Okay, okay, nobody is really going to force you to join some ridiculous club, I promise. What I'm trying to say in my silly way is that I'm grateful for all the love and support each of you have given me this year and in years past. May you all have the best New Year ever!

P.S. If you see me handing out invisible SMC membership buttons to people in the weeks to come--run! See you next year!

P.P.S. Chelsey and Jamie--welcome to the club!


Raspberry said...

I read it! I did! In all it's purple-paper glory! And I LOVED it. Couldn't put it down.
Yay! And Happy New Years too.

dhigbee said...

Hooray! I'm a member of a secret club! Ooh, I want a button to announce to the world my membership to a secret club! Really, Sheila, I loved your story and I'm sure I'll like this one, too.

Jamie said...


I feel so excluded.

Travis & Adrienne said...

Bring it on! I love clubs!!!!!

Sheila, I've honestly enjoyed reading stories with you. Those are some of my greatest memories. I'm being very honest when I say that. I remember being SO excited to have you read to me. You're an incredible writer and an equally incredible reader. I also remember being so flattered that you'd want to share something so personal and loved with me. Those stories came from your heart and soul (regardless of how silly you may find them now) and I truly felt them within me too. I know that sounds cheesy but, again, I'm being honest. :)

Kudos to you for sticking with it!

Pinky Homer said...

Y-E-A-H! I'm in your club! I love to be part of this club ... thanks for always being willing to read me your stories. I've love them all! Like Mario you are MY favorite author! Love you! Happy New Year!

Sheila A. Nielson said...

Indecisive, concider yourself an honorary member. Next time you come into the library I'll give you your button. :)

Nic and Ashley Haws said...

oooohhh! I'm so glad I'm a senior member! Wahoo for me!

Karlene said...

I'm a senior member?!? Wahoo! This is a great club to be in. I've enjoyed all your manuscripts that I've read.

Janel said...

Hey Sheila--saw your blog on Emily's blog list--I love your background, it's so cute! Anyway, I have a friend that is interested in publishing a childrens story she wrote a few years ago, would yo have any advice/help for her? Email me if you would: azure1973@yahoo.com Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Wooot! I'm a new member of the secret club! I shall have to add this to my list of secret clubs now...



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