Friday, December 26, 2008

I've Been Dreaming of a White Christmas--NOT

We had a very white Christmas this year. There was a lot of more snow than I would have liked. The snow was so bad where we live that most of my family couldn’t come see us on Christmas day. Still, I can’t complain since Santa brought me a brand new laptop this year! I don’t know how I got along without it before now. It makes writing my stories and working on this blog a whole lot easier than it used to be. There was one creature that was glad none of the family came to visit. All the more leftover Christmas ham for her. I’ve included a few photos of my poodle doing what she does best—beg for leftovers in the kitchen. Who could resist that face? Not my mother, that's for sure. I swear the dog has doubled in size since yesterday. Of course, she's so small to begin with that’s not saying much. Notice the red bows on her ears in the one picture. She had them off within an hour.


Nic and Ashley Haws said...

I'm glad Santa was so good to you! He really spoiled you!

Carrie said...

Oh my goodness, your dog is sooo cute!!

Chantelle said...

A laptop? Maaaarvelous! That really is a perfect gift for you--I'm so glad! ( : Hope you had a lovely Christmas!



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