Saturday, December 13, 2008

Have You Bought a Book for Someone You Love Today?

I've been reading some articles lately about how the scary economy has hurt the publishing industry. People can't afford to buy books anymore so publishing houses are having to put a freeze on aquiring new manuscripts. Just imagine all those fantastic unpublished stories out there that will never be discovered because no publisher can afford to aquire them. What if no one had ever given Harry Potter a chance because the economy was bad? So what can we book lovers do to stop this tradgedy? Buy books for Christmas. Give everyone on your list the gift that keeps giving. What better present could there be? There are whole webpages out there devoted to the Buy-a-Book movement. Join the club, save the world--buy a book! I'm getting down off the soap box now--I promise.

P.S. Somebody on my Christmas list is getting a book they are going to LOVE for Christmas! Don't you wish you knew who it was?


Pinky Homer said...

Yes! I bought books for the kids of course. Mario really wanted "Pilage" by Obert Skye. He wanted it so bad that I gave it to him early. He read it in a week! He found an email in the cover so he wrote him an email. He told him "You are my second favorite author." ... didn't tell him who his #1 favorite was but he told me ... any guesses? ... hint: her name starts with a SH and it rhymes with eila! :)

Sheila A. Nielson said...

That will change someday when he realizes all my stories are girly books. But I'll just bask in the glow until then.

Raspberry said...

I told you - I want a first edition signed copy. So there. :)
Actually, Ryan and I got each other books (a few of them, anyways) this year. It was so fun. We just made a list of ones we'd like and then got what we could afford. I am SO excited!

Karlene said...

I love to give and get books for Christmas. My DH gave me a Kindle for our anniversary and an Amazon GC for Christmas. I've been downloading lots of books this week! :)



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